Shawna Trpcic, the fantastically talented costume designer from Firefly, The Mandalorian and The Book of Bobba Fett, earned another Emmy nomination for costumes this year! We’re so proud of her and to be partnering with her to fundraise and support the charity of her choice, Joni and Friends! This 501(c)3 org “provides medical and mobility support, patient advocacy, essential resources, and spiritual care to entire families living with disability” in the states and around the world! You can find us in our usual spot - A/7-A/8, across from Blizzard.
Shawna will also be the featured judge on our Browncoat Meeting Room: Star Wars x Firefly Cosplay Contest. This is the time to have your cosplay in front of the eyes of the creatrix herself! Our other judges include Nick Kremenek, who is creating a very special piece of art to commemorate the event, and podcasters Shaylynne Campo and Josh Mattson. We have a few very cool prizes for the winner (one of a kind art, Star Wars stuff signed by Alan Tudyk, and more) so put those final touches on now!
Our other panels include Dr. Horrible, of course, and a panel about Fan Groups with Marsia of Fandom Charities, Andie Cardenas of OC Ghostbusters, and Dan Deevy of Gaaays in Spaaace! You can save these handy graphics we made to have all the info at your fingertips! Hope to see you all there.
Browncoat Hang Out
Saturday night, at 8:30pm, we’re inviting Browncoats in the area to meet up at Ghirardelli Chocolate (643 5th Ave) for a snack and a cool hang out!
If you have the time, we need volunteers! Why volunteer? Because doing good feels amazing; because Browncoats are a supportive, loving community and once you’re in, you’re in for life; and because we have chairs, water and snacks! Take a break, hydrate, and give us a hand! Just fill out this form and we will be in touch!
New Merch!
What’s new? Here's a tiny sneak peek of the exclusive art Nick is making for us:
We also have a Reaver themed apron, a variety of stickers and magnets from KY Browncoats, a fantastic patch from Scott Derby Art, and, flasks and coasters from Art of Dave!
We know people are probably feeling pretty bummed about panels and signings being canceled, but we are really looking forwarding to connecting with our community of fans, friends, and Browncoats. Here's to a great con!